This year as part of our charities manifestos actions I have included a safe space for women. In the counselling room I always explain that the space is safe and over the years I have learnt how important this is. A space to be yourself, not feel judged and to feel safe both physically and emotionally, all the conditions that we know in the counselling room helps individuals to flourish and grow.
But what about safe spaces in other walks of life, in public spaces in our local community, in our homes.
Domestic abuse increased during covid and I am seeing the impact of that now in the counselling room, many clients healing from the impact of living in a place where they were scared and feeling constantly under threat. I cant imagine what it feels like to not feel safe in my own home. A place where everyone has the right to feel safe.

Another growing concern I am hearing is not feeling safe in the workplace, in particular women. The workplace for many is a place that we spend many hours and its crucial that we feel safe – in fact its a right, and its absolutely appalling that employees don’t feel safe. Safe from abuse, harassment, bullying and in some circumstances violence. In many ways we are moving forward in the workplace, recognising diversity, promoting equality, supporting mental health but are we forgetting the basics? If we have individuals in the workplace not feeling safe something is drastically wrong.
I have recently been working with Make Space for Girls, a campaigning charity that works with young women to explore what physical space they would like to see. I was drawn to their campaign as a leader of a Women and Girls, but even more so as a mum of a teenage daughter.
After speaking to Make Space for Girls, my immediate thought was a Safe Space. Where my daughter goes outside of home and school is always a big worry for me, due to safety. Its a difficult age for teenagers in particular, as no one really wants them around and therefore for their safety is always compromised. Speaking to my daughter and other young people they cant explain what makes a “space” safe but do know areas that makes them feel unsafe.
(I am working with Make space for Girls and will no doubt have more blogs to follow on this topic.)
As I end this blog it makes me question what is a safe space? What makes people feel safe? What makes you feel safe? Safety is different for all individuals and this is is shaped by our own lived experiences. It is difficult to portray a safe space its about an environment that we create, that is perceived by others.
Its created by the people in the room, the layout of a room, the culture of a workplace, the lighting in the street so many factors to take into consideration. However non of this is difficult to implement – yet what I have learnt through clients experiences and through my own conversations Its not always an important consideration to other individuals and agencies. A forgotten consideration that can make such a difference.
A safe space really does impact mental health and it should be fundamental to everyone at all times. For this year and beyond I will be exploring more what constitutes a safe space and promoting how important a safe space is.