
My passion is to support and inspire women and girls of all ages. Wearing many hats, I’ve dedicated my life to empowering women and advocating for change.
As a trained counsellor who has needed support myself, I speak openly about my personal journey, including an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. I’ve witnessed firsthand the shortcomings of mental health services for women, particularly those with complex issues such as abuse or violence. My mission is to amplify women’s voices in all places ensuring they receive the specialist, non-clinical support they deserve.
This drive led me to establish Her-Place Charitable Trust (formerly Motherwell Cheshire), a charity run by women, for women. Through community-based projects, we support women and bridge the gaps in services across Cheshire. The charity welcomes all mothers, providing a vital support network that strengthens the heart of our local communities.
My Passion
In addition to my professional journey, I am a mother to three children—my daughter and two sons, aged 10, 14, and 15—and have spent 25 years raising my family with my partner. Now, as I navigate peri-menopausal changes and an early empty nest, I continue to find strength through therapeutic support.
I’m an avid reader, and many of the books I explore have deeply influenced the services we offer at Her-Place Charitable Trust. You can find my book reviews on my website, where I share these insights further.
Staying active is key to my mental well-being. Since completing an open water swim challenge in 2017, I’ve embraced open water swimming and recently rekindled my love for cycling by joining the Crewe Breeze cycling club, a women’s-only group. Walking is another passion, and I’m often found strolling along the canal—more about this in my blog detailing my Halifax to Manchester bike ride.
I love connecting with people and sharing their stories, which inspired my “Mum’s the Word” YouTube channel and book. These platforms allow me to engage with others and shine a light on the fascinating stories of everyday women.
My Goals
In 2020 I also set up Cheshire Women’s Collaboration a influencing and campaigning you, it’s a voluntary group that I currently sit as a Chair (Cheshire Women’s Collaboration) I have been amazed by the great work that the collaboration has achieved and look forward to influencing more changes to support more women and girls.
Over the last 3 years requests for me to deliver more training has gone from strength to strength and as such has taken over my Private Practice in Counselling. My specialist area in training tends to be Mums Mental Health (please see my current training section)
If I could bullet point what I do I would say the below describes me best.
My goals:
- champion women and girls locally, by promotion on my social media platforms and local events
- promote all aspects of mental health that impact women and girls by offering a full range of training
- promote equality for women and girls by talking part in local and national groups and blogging about the impact
- continue to develop myself to offer a therapeutic safe space for all my clients
I would love to hear from you if you feel we can work together in any way, please do get in touch.
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