Invisible Women
By Caroline Criado Perez
ISBN 978-1784706289
I read this book a while ago and revisited it recently. Second time round for some reason the book resonated with me more – I was somehow more angry about the situation women find themselves in than I was before. Possibly because on my life’s journey I am seeing a world unfolding where women again are fading into the background, while men are making the choices for us.
The first time I read this book I felt it was an angry book looking at everything possible to make it seem that women are invisible – now I see this is a reflection of where I was at time of reading the book both emotionally and my limited understanding of the world.
Reading it a second time was a completely different experience and I was already working on some projects that the book mentions:
A statue for Ada campaigning for a women’s statue in Crewe
In the book Caroline explains how Britain has such a lack of Women’s statues in comparison to men and in fact went on to campaign successfully to have a statue of Millicent Fawcett in London.
Working with Make Space for Girls on a project questioning “Are girls being designed out of open spaces?”
Caroline also goes on to explain how spaces in particular open spaces are designed with males in mind making open spaces a place where females don’t want to be and even more importantly where they feel unsafe.
Setting up Empowerment Groups in schools to encourage females to use their voices at every opportunity
Throughout the book it is clear that the one thing females need is a voice at every table where decisions are made. Explaining that most decisions for females are made by males and that there is still a long way to go until this is changed.
I won’t go on to say more at the risk of spoiling it for you.
This could be the bible for a feminist and women wanted to influence change for our next generation! We owe it to them.
This is a well researched book that every women will be able to relate to.